
2年前,Zee Avi將自己創作片段上傳到YouTube,原本只是讓好友觀賞後就要刪除,
其中一筆來自白線條樂團(The White Stripes)經紀人Ian Montone,在他的穿針引薦下,
Zee Avi成為傑克強森自創音樂廠牌Brushfire Records旗下唯一的創作才女。

Zee Avi用她的歌聲再度證明了一句俗諺:「音樂無國界」。用創作獲得Brushfire唱片公司的賞識,
將自己的才華與傳奇人物連結在一起,唱片公司創始人之一 Emmett Malloy說:「Zee Avi 放上YouTube
透過電話和email確認好簽約事宜後,Zee Avi在YouTube上的熱門點播曲"No Christmas For Me"
便收錄在2008年的聖誕選輯『This Warm December』中;之後前往洛杉磯,
在傑克強森知名的太陽能發電錄音室Plastic Plant,錄製她第一張創作專輯。

Zee Avi一手包辦專輯所有詞曲創作。首支主打曲在Folk領域中混搭爵士味覺的“Bitter Heart”,
令人想起多項葛萊美獎加冕的Norah Jones相同質感。聽著Zee Avi的歌聲,如同躺在沙灘上迎著微風拂面、

Bitter Heart

Sun rays come down as seen when they hit the ground
Children spinning around till they fall down down down
I wait for you: it's been two hours now
You're still somewhere in town
Your dinner's getting cold
I rest my case you are always this late
And you know how much I hate waiting around 'round 'round

Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is gettin' just a little fragile
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine

And then you come and tell me the same reason as you did yesterday
So tell me whats her name
Doo doo da dum, doo doo da dum
doo doo doo doo doo doo da da dum dum
da da da da dum, da da da da dum, da da da da dum

Bitter heart, bitter heart tries to keep it all inside
Bitter heart, bitter heart shadows will help you try to hide
Bitter heart, my bitter heart is just getting a little fragile
Bitter heart, bitter heart of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine


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